Exposiciones/Exhibits link


Arte y retrospectiva de obra años de formación en Bellas Artes y posterior obra: 1977-1988

Retrospective Artworks from the Fine Arts School to later on: 1977-1988


Art retrospective link

Juan-Luis Quintana es un pintor nacido en Barcelona. España. Diferentes exposiciones en varios paises: España, Belgica, EEUU, etc. Vive actualmente entre Barcelona y Estados Unidos.

Born in Barcelona, Spain. he had exhibits since 84 in several countries like Spain, Belgium and the States. He lives in between Barcelona and Buffalo, NY.

Geometrias Circulares///Circular Geometries


Anthropomorphic Landscapes.

Geometrias circulares LINK

Planisphaerium  LINK

Bodegones Cubismo. Still Lifes Cubism LINK

Bocetos y acuarelas de la naturaleza. Sketches in the countryside and watercolors from nature. LINK





Juan Luis Quintana Web




Portada revista NYC. Cover magazine by Juan Luis Quintana

I want to thank you again for sending your poster to me. I am most grateful. I think it makes an outstanding cover on so many levels. As a work of art, of course, but also as it represents the city in all its diversity, excitement and fun. The magazine has gone to press, and will be available to the public on Nov. 1. I will make sure that you receive copies around that time. I talk about you and the image in my Editor’s Note, but you will see when you receive the magazine. I hope the cover gives you as much pleasure as it does me.
Francis Lewis
WhereTraveler New York and IN New York magazines



Juan Luis Quintana is a Spanish artist who spends half the year in Buffalo. His work is inspired by Buffalo and  Barcelona, Spain. In this exhibit at the Buffalo Big Print Gallery this coming October 4th, he shows posters of Buffalo, Toronto, NYC and Barcelona and watercolors he paints  directly from landscapes he views. In this exhibit his works include watercolors of  downtown Buffalo, Delaware Park, Niagara Falls and some small towns in the Spanish countryside. Juan Luis Quintana has a degree in Fine Arts from the  University of Barcelona. He lived in Chicago in the 80's. He regularly shows his work in the US and in  Spain. His paintings are inspired by nature in the style of impressionism.  His classical training in Fine Arts has given him the training to paint various styles. One of his portfolios is Still LIfes under the inspirational influence of the cubism that is currently exhibited at Pausa ArtHouse until  October 26th. To see more about the artist visit  his webpage: www.juanluisquintana.com



Poster in central pages of the paper The Public Buffalo, NY. 2019






PAUSA Gallery